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Nothing inspires more than real people who are achievers and role models. In our endeavor to create the world's biggest ethics and values based business network we are looking for individuals and businesses from all corners of the world who are biggest role models for an honest way of doing business and giving back to society.


Its your turn to help in finding those gems under the various categories, from individuals to corporates, of the awards. 

SSA 21

Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh faith gave a perspective towards Sacha Sauda when he started the tradition of Langar or free food with the 20 rupees given to him by his father to do Sauda or business. His perspective - what better business than to serve the hungry. He also spoke about Kirat which means earning an earnest labour.


At TSCC our mission is to promote this way of life and doing business/work and we feel that nothing inspires more than real people and their real stories. In our endeavour to create the world's biggest ethics and values based business network we are looking for individuals and businesses from all corners of the world who are role models for an honest way of living, doing business and giving back to society.


It's your turn to help in finding those gems from individuals to corporates, under various categories of the awards. 





- Most Honest Person

- Most Honest Small Business Owner*

- Most Ethical & Values Driven Company/Brand

- Most Charitable Person

- Most Charitable Small Business Owner*

- Most Charitable Company/Brand







Top 10 nominees in each category will


- Receive a certificate of recognition

- Get featured on our website, social media and newsletter

- Get invited as speakers on Seekh Talks, TSCC's motivational talks

- Feature in videos and other content for Sacha Sauda Awards 2021

- Become SSA and TSCC ambassadors


A special certificate of thanks and appreciation will also be given to those who nominate the awardees.





- Nominations are open till midnight of 18.10.2021

- Award ceremony to be held close to Guru Nanak Gurupurab (Birth Anniversary) on 19.11.21.




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